Section is needed if anticascading will be used to protect against unauthorized forwarding. write_sdt_prov = 0|1 0 = off, do not write provider name into oscam.srvid/2 (default) 1 = on, write provider name into oscam.srvid/2 Anticasc.
GitHub gianni8127 / OScam-Collection Public Security master OScam-Collection/oscam.provid Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 911 lines (910 sloc) 32.3 KB Raw Blame # ô ô # >This is not mandatory since the provider name is now retrieved automatically from the oscam.provid file.wigan news today OScam-Collection/oscam.provid at master CCcam Channel Info/Prio/Providers | OScam & MultiCS Platform Home Forums MultiCS Forum CCcam Channel Info/Prio/Providers CCcam Channel Info/Prio/Providers updates Filters Sticky Threads Generate automatic ip2country.csv PIOJEX Replies 0 Views 413 PIOJEX Normal Threads CCcam Channelinfo MEO, NOS PIOJEX Replies rvices Attention: The number of services that will be considered based reader in rver is limited to 64, or 64 times ]! definition of services for OSCam = caid = provid = srvid = parameter is required Start of a new provider section named service name.