Diego and Dora, with Alicia in the Rescue Center Jeep, reunite the little wolf pup with her Mommy and 4 wolf pup brothers and sisters as well as rescuing 2 other animals: The pygmy marmosets and a river otter. With Rescue Pack and Backpack to help them, Diego and Dora work together to find the small wolf pup, tracking maned wolf footprints, riding down a river, and crossing through the Bushes with prickers and thorns to find him. Diego and Dora use Click to locate the missing wolf pup, lost in the prickers and thorns. Bobo Brothers (absent, but present in the Flash game)ĭiego and Dora team up together as they rescue a baby wolf pup who got lost in the prickers and thorns forest.Ī mother maned wolf has just had five wolf pups at the Rescue Center, but when Diego, Alicia and Dora count the wolf pups, they noticed that one of them has wandered off.5 Items in Backpack (clockwise starting from the top right).